Wrap up update

Hi all,

Hope you are doing well! In the (probably) last post in 2016 I want to take the opportunity to thank you for reading our updates and to wish you an awesome 2017!

Here are a few minor updates:

• Robin van Emden, Davide Iannuzzi and I finally submitted a more thorough version of our recent Arxiv paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.08108); we hope to be able to announce more soon!
• Together with Reza Mohammadi we are working on implementing novel sampling methods for additive regression tree models. See our response at http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba/1472829062. We would kindly like to thank Matthew Pratola for sharing his code with us!
• We have finally written up a full paper about StreamingBandit; we hope to be able to share it soon! (for now, see http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba/1472829062)
• We will be presenting new work during “Physics@Veldhoven”; see also https://www.fom.nl/agenda/physicsatveldhoven/press/
• At JADS we are starting our seminar series. On the 24th of January we will have Frank Buytendijk speaking, and on the 31st Martijn Willemsen will take the stage; we are lookking forward to the inspiring talks (http://www.jads.nl/jads-seminars.html).

Well, we will keep it at this for now. Just one final note: we are looking for PhD candidates. If you are interested, send me a mail with your resume at maurits [at] maurits kaptein [dot] com.
