Visit MIT

Hi all,

I just had a great time visiting Prof. Dr. Dean Eckles at MIT; I attended ACM-EC (a great conference), and Dean and I discussed a lot of ongoing work (causality, habits, indirect inference, and much more). Looking forward to more collaborations. Here is a picture of Boston taken from the MIT Sloan building:

Note that we have also been doing a lot of software development:

  1. We presented UltimateSim (simulations of the Ultimatum game) during ACM-EC; see:
  2. We are currently working on a total overhaul of StreamingBandit, making it easier to use, more scalable, etc. For progress see:
  3. Finally, we are wrapping up a package for the online (row-by-row) estimation of hierarchical models. Hope to finalize the package soon, but see progress here:

That’s it for now; we wish all of you a great summer!