Moving to Tilburg, Jaynes, and IViR

Hi all,

Just a few brief updates (more coming up in a few weeks when we launch a new version of StreamingBandit, launch a super cool study on decoy effects, hopefully can update you on Persuasive 2016, and the new book will be out):

  1. I (Maurits) will be starting as an assistant professor of Statistics and Research Methods at the University of Tilburg from the 1st of February onwards. I will be joining the Data Science program (which is organized in collaboration with the Technical University of Eindhoven).
  2. Dean Eckles and I are cranking away on a submission to KDD; we our doing a large offline evaluation of BTS. We will be sharing the code soon.

I guess that’s it for now 😉


ps. Well, I do want to recommend everyone to read Jaynes.