Streaming estimation of (mixtures of) logistic regression models

Hi all,
We (Maurits Kaptein & Paul Ketelaar) are happy to share the following ArXiv pre-print with you:
The paper describes a novel method for fitting mixtures of logistic regression models in data streams. The paper is accompanied by an [R] package to carry out the analysis:
The method is useful and promising for analyzing (mixture) models in data streams. Also, the paper is quite didactical in nature; we have tried to explain in quite some detail how one can deal with streaming data, and how our online version of EM works (and why).
However, since we do not have a clear case study for the project, and this was a bit of a “pet project” of both of us we are advocating the work here, but we will not be seeking further publication. We hope you enjoy the work! And, let us know if you end up using / extending it!